Monèt Noelle Marshall

Artist. Consultant. Human.

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Dirty Feet and a Clean Conscious

I have a show opening tonight. A dance show. I am ready. Even though I haven't danced on stage in 2 years, my body is ready. But most importantly, my heart is ready. We (6 other artists and myself) have been working on this piece for the last year and it has not been easy. Meeting once a week to talk about all the hard things like race, class, white supremacy, identity, gender and privilege are hard enough! But to then move them through your body and create something is a whole 'nother ball game. But we did it. And here we are! Presenting Undone in an undone warehouse with incredibly dirty floors (which leads to incredibly dirty feet).

In order its Lindsay Leonard, Monet Noelle Marshall (Me), Zoia Cisneros, Leah Wilks and Jessi Knight

In order its Lindsay Leonard, Monet Noelle Marshall (Me), Zoia Cisneros, Leah Wilks and Jessi Knight

The piece is not complete and never will be because the conversations are ongoing, the pain is ongoing and the growth is ongoing. And the art must follow.

Leah said in rehearsal "Art can be therapeutic but it is not therapy." I am not delusional or egotistical enough to believe that art alone can solve society's ills. But I do know that when we all fight together, in the best way we know how and in the best way we can, we will prevail. 

 Though my feet may be dirty, my conscious is clear because I know that tonight, I will fight. And just by showing up to battle, I have already won.

Cover Photo by Chris Charles

Background image by Flickr user SlimJim