Monèt Noelle Marshall

Artist. Consultant. Human.

Sex (shame) sells

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What are your porn search terms?

That’s a private question, I know. But what if it wasn’t? What if we could proudly exclaim, “My name is ________ and my porn search terms are _______ _______ ______!” I got anxious just thinking about it. But that’s why I am doing this project. Because if we can talk about porn, we can talk about sex, pleasure, kinks, consent, desire and shame. And maybe get a little freer in the process. So if you’re feeling brave take the survey below to be part of the project. I am hoping for 100 participants but it would be orgasmic to have that number blown out the water. Take the survey and share with your friends so we can talk about sex.

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Cover Photo by Chris Charles

Background image by Flickr user SlimJim